We would like to challenge you to join us and participate actively in this project!
1. Prayer
Only God transforms lives, changes hearts, calls willing people, keeps Casa Semear running and provides for everything we need! You can participate in this project in a very real, active and important way: praying for the work that´s being done, for the lives of the children & families we reach out to and for sufficient financial support and workers for this huge challenge called Casa Semear!
2. Financial support
Casa Semear is a non-profit project. This means that, for us to run the project and reach out to children & families at risk, we totally depend on donations and financial support given to us by individuals, churches and companies from different countries of the world. If you would like to contribute financially to this project, please send your (one-time or regular) donation to:
Intermediary Bank: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Américas - New York
Swift Code: BKTRUS33
ABA: 021001033
Account nr: 04004949
Beneficiary Bank: Banco Itaú S.A.
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
Swift Code: BKTRUS33
ABA: 021001033
Account nr: 04004949
Beneficiary Bank: Banco Itaú S.A.
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
For Further Credit to: ABBA
Branch number: 2921
Account number: 13404
Intermediary Bank: National Westminster Bank PLC - London
Swift Code: NWBKGB2L
ABA: 003179
IBAN: GB94NWBK60000404411560
Account nr: 04411560
Beneficiary Bank: Banco Itaú S.A.
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
Swift Code: NWBKGB2L
ABA: 003179
IBAN: GB94NWBK60000404411560
Account nr: 04411560
Beneficiary Bank: Banco Itaú S.A.
Swift Code: ITAUBRSP
For Further Credit to: ABBA
Branch number: 2921
Account number: 13404
Branch number: 2921
Account number: 13404
Please, mention clearly that this donation is meant for project Casa Semear.
If you would like to become one of our financial partners (monthly commitment), please, get in contact with us through the following email address: projeto.casasemear@gmail.com.
We would love to get to know you!
We would love to get to know you!
Casa Semear is very thankful for all financial support it receives!
3. Donations
If you would like to donate any objects that could be useful for Casa Semear, please, get in contact with us (projeto.casasemear@gmail.com). Thank you!
List of Necessities:
Construction materials (cement, sand, blocks, plaster, white paint, showerheads, toilets, faucets)
Food baskets
School materials (A4 sheets, pens, scissors, glue, coloring pencils etc.)
Children´s clothes, used but in good shape
Children´s books (Christian), used but in good shape
Children´s games
4. Serving as a volunteer
Casa Semear is always searching for people who are willing to serve and join the project as volunteers. We are a small team trying to manage a quite big group of children & families at risk, so all volunteer help is very welcome! You can help us as a short-term volunteer (1-6 months), living and serving at Casa Semear. If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, please, get in contact with us through the following email address: projeto.casasemear@gmail.com.
Thank you!